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Jessica Lugo Echevarria Agent Photo
Lugo Echevarria
C. (787) 340-9855
P. (787) 904-0640
# de Licencia: C22075
Phone Jessica
Jessica Lugo
"RR1 Box 14038 Manati PR 00674 "

Encontremos tu nuevo hogar

Buscar propiedades en y alrededor Puerto Rico

Real Estate has been one of my passions since my early years growing up in the Northern part of Puerto Rico. My first paying job was answering the telephone at a Real Estate office. Watching first hand the excitement of new home owners made me dream of the day that I could be part of that special dynamic of serving clients and helping them navigate the process of making one of the most exciting investments of their lives.

I value and treasure the trust my clients grant me and I look forward every day to exceeding their expectations.

Aside of being a Real Estate Agent, I’m a Leadership Coach. I also take pride in giving back to the community as the Co-Founder of the Carlos Beltran Baseball Academy, a high school specialized in baseball, that provides academic and professional opportunities to youth trough sports and education. 

It will be my sincere honor to help you achieve the investment of your dreams!

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